Game of thrones pdf free jarrod radnich
Game of thrones pdf free jarrod radnich

Not content with his new position in life Viserys comes up with a plan for his family to regain their long-lost throne, where he essentially marries his sister Daenerys to the Dothraki a barbarian tribe and their powerful leader Khal Drogo. Due to the sins of their family the children of the Mad King, Viserys and Daenerys have been exiled to this area and are getting by solely upon the kindness of those around them. Meanwhile, activity begins to develop on a continent to the east of Westeros with the last remaining members the family that reigned over Westeros before the Baratheon’s the Targaryen family. This decision along with him catching wind of the potential illegitimacy of his friend King Robert’s and his queen Cersei Lannister’s children, weigh heavy upon his mind as the new Hand tries to find his way. Eddard must decide if to trust the council of his wife’s old friend and politician Petyr Baelish, the potential wisdom of Maester Pycelle or possible lies from the shady master of secrets Varys. This becomes evident when Eddard Stark travels to King’s Landing and is confronted with the tasks of politics, continually present conspiracy and also privileged information which comes along with being the Hand of the King. Like anyone new to a powerful position Eddard must learn the “ins and outs” of the position, which comes along with it the important aspect of knowing who to and who not to trust. The title can be interpreted in the same way as one would interpret having a right-hand man and this position also brings with it a large amount of influence within the realm.

Game of thrones pdf free jarrod radnich series#

Through a series of mysterious events, Eddard has the title of Hand of the King thrust upon the death of the previous Hand, Jon Arryn. One such character is the protagonist Eddard Stark, the King of the north, the head of House Stark and also a friend to King Robert Baratheon. Regardless of which, within this style the fantasy develops through the perspective of each of its respective main characters, allowing for the tale to not only develop but also be seen from each their respective points of view.

Game of thrones pdf free jarrod radnich